What do today's most successful ecommerce retailers have in common? They have clearly defined accurate and efficient ecommerce order fulfillment processes. It doesn't matter if you have [...]
Summary View our roundtable with Flxpoint CEO and CTO, Travis Mariea and Matt Myers, accompanied by SKULabs Head of Product, Brent McAhren, as we discuss the dilemma [...]
According to the National Retail Federations Security Survey, the retail industry lost over $61 billion to shrinkage in 2020. While theft is a significant contributor, many of [...]
Read on to see all of the latest Flxpoint app updates and feature releases for the month of March. Auto-Create Listings We have added a new feature [...]
As an ecommerce business owner, your goal is to scale your business—whether you're B2B, B2C, or D2C. However, as your operation grows, more processes are put into [...]