The Cabin Place
See how The Cabin Place was able to streamline and automate their purchase order process through the centralized Flxpoint software.

“With Flxpoint, what used to take three people 3-5 hours a day now takes one person fifteen minutes to complete. They can spend time doing things that drive revenue for the company instead of sending emails and making phone calls.”
Andrew Scherr, Vice President of Ecommerce, The Cabin Place
Company Overview
The Cabin Place is a family-owned business based in Minnesota. When they opened CabinPlace.com for business in 1999, they were the first online store that provided a one-stop shopping experience to find the products necessary to furnish and decorate a home with a rustic theme.
The Cabin Place specializes in rustic cabin décor for the bedroom, living room, kitchen, and bath. Cabin Place products have been featured in many publications and on several TV shows over the years. You can also find their products in hundreds of lodges, restaurants, bars, and more across the US and Canada.
The Challenge
The Cabin Place works with roughly forty vendors and manufacturers to maintain its catalog of thousands of products. Without a way to automatically submit orders to vendors, the team spent countless hours logging into vendor portals, sending emails, and making phone calls to facilitate the purchase order process.
“We had three people working 3-5 hours a day to either send purchase orders directly to a manufacturer or make a phone call to place a purchase order. That needed to change really quickly,” said Andrew Scherr, vice president of ecommerce for The Cabin Place.
So, Scherr set out to find a centralized software that could streamline the process and automatically send POs to the appropriate vendors.
The Solution
Scherr and the rest of The Cabin Place team considered their options and ultimately decided to implement Flxpoint because of the capability to integrate with Miva, their central ecommerce platform.
“I was sold on Flxpoint from the start—the ability to integrate with Miva was the biggest selling point. The few other tools we considered didn’t even compare to Flxpoint in terms of functionality and service level,” said Scherr.
Once onboarded, The Cabin Place team was able to automate their purchase order process fully.
“Now, we have one person that takes 15 minutes a day to go into Flxpoint and make sure everything looks good. That person then gets to do things that drive revenue for the company rather than send emails and make phone calls to vendors.”
Eventually, Scherr would like to leverage data within Flxpoint to focus on invoice reconciliation that allows them to nail profitability down to an actual order versus monthly sales.
Moving forward, The Cabin Place team is excited about utilizing more of Flxpoint’s functionality, precisely the opportunity to use Flxpoint as one source of truth for product management. In the past, they’ve struggled with knowing whether products at vendors’ warehouses were in or out of stock, which led to a multitude of backorders.
“The Flxpoint team has been there for us every step of the way, figuring out how to fit a square peg into a round hole,” said Scherr. “It’s been a super positive experience.”
“Ryan [Implementation Manager] has trained our team to do everything, but if we get stuck, he’s able to help us out with a quick 15-minute call. Support has been fantastic since the beginning.”
Scherr is excited about using Flxpoint to its full potential to save The Cabin Place time and money and make them a more efficient ecommerce operation overall.