How it Works:
Cross Docking

Take control over how your customers receive products while preventing costly partial shipments with Flxpoint's cross docking feature.
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Why Cross Docking?

Implementing cross docking can provide you with many new opportunities to increase efficiency, save money, and better serve your customers.

Gain more control over how products arrive to your customers.
Choose to send products directly from suppliers, or reroute orders to your internal warehouse first.

Consolidate your shipping volume to take advantage of more favorable shipping rates.
Remove the need to depend on multiple shipping carriers and resolve your warehousing and shipping needs with one logistics partner.

How Flxpoint Supports Cross Docking

Flxpoint’s cross docking feature allows you to customize your order fulfillment workflows to override shipping addresses and suppress shipment tracking.

Say a customer places an order for an item that you have in your warehouse, yet they order ten and you only have two. You can send the two you have from your internal warehouse and have your supplier ship the other eight to your customer, or…

You can override the customer’s shipping address on the PO that is sent to your supplier with your own, suppress the tracking information, and have the items sent to you instead of your customer.

Then, consolidate and send all items to your customer in a single shipment. Not only will you save on shipping, but you will increase customer satisfaction by providing a better experience.

To do this in Flxpoint:

1. Navigate to “Orders” and create a new transfer order.

2. Select the source from (your supplier) and source to (your internal warehouse).

3. Link relevant purchase orders to the transfer order and review the items being transferred.

4. Save and generate your new purchase order.

5. Process the order for fulfillment.

That’s it! Once the product arrives to your warehouse, close the gap and fulfill your customer’s order.

If you want to see this feature in action, check out the video at the top the page for an in-depth look at cross docking in the Flxpoint app.

Ready to see Flxpoint's cross docking feature for yourself?

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