Managing Ecommerce Backorders – A Practical Guide

Managing Ecommerce Backorders

Last updated on September 24th, 2024 at 07:45 am

Backorders can be a big problem for e-commerce businesses. When a popular product is out of stock, it can lead to late orders, unhappy customers, and more customer service calls.

This article gives good ways to lower the effects of backorders and use automation to make your e-commerce business run more smoothly.

You’ll learn how to keep your customers happy and your business working well, even when you don’t have enough inventory.

Backorders 101

You’re no stranger to the challenges of keeping your virtual shelves stocked and your customers happy.

You’ve got a lot on your plate, from managing inventory levels to ensuring timely order fulfillment.

But there’s one challenge that can really throw a wrench in your operations: backorders.

Consider the following situation: you’ve just launched an innovative product that’s been generating excitement for months.

Your marketing team has done an amazing job building anticipation, and the moment the product goes live, your website is flooded with orders.

It’s a dream come true – until you realize that demand has far exceeded your initial inventory.

Suddenly, you’re faced with the possibility of disappointing countless customers who were eager to get their hands on your product.

That’s where backorders come in.

What is a backorder?

In simple terms, a backorder is an order placed for a product that is temporarily out of stock, with the understanding that the order will be fulfilled once the product is available again. It’s a way for businesses to continue accepting orders even when they don’t have the physical product on hand.

Here’s an example to illustrate how backorders work in practice.

Let’s say you manage an online store that specializes in high-end camera equipment. You’ve been working closely with a manufacturer to develop an innovative new lens that promises to take your customers’ photography to the next level.

You’ve invested heavily in marketing and have built up a lot of excitement around the product launch.

On launch day, your inventory of 500 lenses sells out within hours. But the demand keeps coming in, with customers eager to acquire this game-changing product.

Rather than simply marking the item as “out of stock” and turning away potential sales, you decide to offer backorders.

This means that customers can still place an order for the lens, even though you don’t have any physical inventory on hand.

You’ll fulfill those orders as soon as the next batch of lenses arrives from the manufacturer.

By offering backorders, you’re able to take advantage of the energy around your product launch and keep customers engaged with your brand, even when facing inventory shortages. It’s a powerful tool for managing demand and maintaining customer loyalty in a fast-paced e-commerce world.

Backorders vs. out of stock: key differences

You might be wondering what sets backorders apart from out-of-stock situations. While they might seem similar at first glance, there are some key differences that every e-commerce manager needs to understand.

When an item is out of stock, it means that there is no inventory available to fulfill orders. If a customer tries to buy that item, they’ll be met with an “out of stock” message and won’t be able to complete the purchase.

This can be very frustrating for customers, especially if they had their heart set on a particular product. It can lead to lost sales, decreased customer loyalty, and even negative reviews or social media backlash.

Backorders, on the other hand, allow businesses to keep accepting customer orders even when inventory runs dry.

Instead of turning customers away, you’re essentially asking them to reserve their spot in line for when the product becomes available again.

This helps to maintain cash flow and keeps customers invested in your brand, even during times of low inventory.

Managing backorders effectively requires a delicate balance of communication, expectation-setting, and logistics.

You need to be transparent with customers about the expected timeline for fulfillment and keep them updated throughout the process.

You also need to have a solid plan in place for restocking inventory and working with suppliers to ensure that you can deliver on your promises.

To put this into perspective, let’s revisit our camera lens example.

If you had simply marked the lens as “out of stock” after the initial inventory sold out, you would have missed out on many potential sales.

Customers who were keen to purchase the product would have been left frustrated and disappointed, and some may have even turned to competitors to find something similar.

By accommodating backorders, you can maintain customer loyalty to your brand. This process also allows you to gather valuable data about demand levels, which can guide your inventory planning and forecasting going forward.

The key takeaway here is that backorders can be a powerful tool for navigating inventory management challenges in an e-commerce business. By understanding the difference between backorders and out-of-stock situations, and by developing strategies for managing backorders effectively, you can turn potential disappointments into opportunities for growth and customer retention.

But this is just the start.

In the following sections, we’ll explore proven strategies for reducing backorders, handling them effectively when they do occur, and leveraging technology to streamline the process.

Proven Strategies to Reduce Backorders

Backorders can be a big source of frustration, leading to missed sales opportunities, diminished customer trust, and operational problems. But here’s the good news: by putting in place a few key strategies, you can dramatically reduce the risk of backorders and keep your business running smoothly.

Upgrade demand planning and inventory optimization

One of the most powerful tools in your backorder-fighting toolbox is effective demand planning. By using historical sales data across all channels, broken down by factors like seasonality, promotions, and year-over-year trends, you can generate highly accurate predictions of the inventory levels needed to meet customer demand.

But don’t stop there – take your demand planning to the next level by integrating real-time sales velocity metrics. This allows you to quickly detect and react to sudden spikes in demand before they result in stockouts.

As shown in the Implementing demand forecasting systems and using real-time data can significantly improve your ability to prevent backorders.

To further improve your demand forecasting accuracy, consider investing in advanced predictive analytics tools that use machine learning algorithms. These solutions can analyze huge amounts of data to generate precise demand forecasts, giving you a big advantage in optimizing your inventory levels.

Analyze and optimize safety stock levels

A critical part of reducing backorders is maintaining optimal safety stock levels.

Safety stock refers to the extra inventory you hold in reserve to buffer against unexpected demand spikes or supply chain problems.

However, determining the right amount of safety stock can be a delicate balancing act.

To find the sweet spot, do a thorough analysis of factors such as:

– SKU-level sales velocity

– Supplier lead times

– Manufacturing cycle times

– Desired customer service levels

Use this data to calculate the optimal safety stock quantities for each product, focusing on your fastest-moving SKUs, items with long or unpredictable lead times, and your top revenue-generating products.

Keep in mind that while safety stock can help prevent stockouts, holding too much can tie up significant working capital. Aim to find the right balance by setting safety stock levels that minimize both stockouts and excess inventory.

Strengthen vendor relationships and diversify suppliers

Your suppliers play a crucial role in keeping your products in stock and your customers happy. To minimize backorder issues, it’s essential to build strong, collaborative relationships with your key vendors.

Start by proactively sharing your demand forecasts and real-time sales data with your suppliers. This enables them to plan their production more effectively and reduces the likelihood of shortages.

Additionally, work with your suppliers to negotiate favorable terms, such as shorter lead times, consignment inventory, or guaranteed service levels, which can further reduce backorder risk.

An effective strategy is to diversify your supplier base. By spreading your orders across multiple vendors, you can reduce the impact of any single supplier’s stockouts or production delays.

Regularly monitor each supplier’s performance and adjust your orders accordingly to ensure a reliable and responsive supply chain.

Implement just-in-time (JIT) inventory management

For businesses with predictable demand, reliable suppliers, and flexible manufacturing operations, implementing a just-in-time (JIT) inventory management system can be a game-changer in reducing backorders.

JIT is a lean methodology that aligns raw material orders from suppliers directly with production schedules, minimizing the amount of inventory held on hand. This approach requires close collaboration with suppliers, often facilitated by electronic data interchange (EDI) or real-time data sharing.

When executed effectively, JIT can help:

– Reduce inventory holding costs

– Minimize overstock risk

– Improve cash flow

It’s essential to recognize that JIT can also increase vulnerability to sudden surges in customer orders or disruptions in the supply chain. As such, it’s best suited for businesses with stable demand patterns and dependable suppliers.

By putting in place these proven strategies – upgrading demand planning, optimizing safety stock levels, strengthening vendor relationships, and exploring JIT inventory management – you can significantly reduce the occurrence of backorders in your e-commerce business.

Handling Backorders Effectively When They Occur

Let’s say you were the e-commerce manager for TechGadgets4U, an online retailer specializing in the latest electronic devices, you’ve spent months optimizing your inventory management system and collaborating with suppliers to maintain a steady product flow that meets shopper demand. However, an unexpected surge in orders for the new XYZ smartphone has left you facing a backorder situation that requires prompt attention and strategic resolution.

As the orders continue to pile up and customers start to ask about their delayed shipments, you know you need to act fast.

But how do you handle this tricky situation in a way that reduces frustration and maintains customer loyalty?

Here are four key strategies to help you navigate the choppy waters of backorders and come out on top.

Communicate proactively with affected customers

The first step in managing backorders effectively is to be upfront and transparent with your customers. As soon as you become aware of a potential delay, reach out to affected customers with a clear, honest explanation of the situation and a realistic estimate of when they can expect their orders to ship.

You might send an email saying,

“We apologize for the delay in shipping your XYZ smartphone. Due to an unexpected increase in demand, we are temporarily out of stock.

We expect to receive a new shipment from our supplier within the next 10 business days and will process your order as soon as the product is available.”

It’s important to provide regular updates if the situation changes or if there are further delays. Consider segmenting your communications based on factors like customer lifetime value or order size, providing more personalized outreach for your VIP customers or those with large, time-sensitive orders.

Offer alternatives or incentives to affected customers

While keeping customers informed is crucial, you can also take proactive steps to minimize the impact of backorders on their experience. One effective approach is to offer alternatives or incentives to affected customers.

If you have a similar smartphone model in stock, you could suggest it as a substitute for the backordered XYZ model. Alternatively, you might offer customers a 10% discount code, free express shipping, or bonus loyalty points as a gesture of goodwill and to encourage them to keep their orders in place.

For your most valuable customers or those facing extended delays, consider going the extra mile by upgrading their shipping method at no extra cost once the backordered item becomes available. These small gestures can go a long way in demonstrating your commitment to customer satisfaction and building long-term loyalty.

Intelligently prioritize backorder fulfillment

Once your backordered inventory arrives, you’ll need a strategic approach for deciding which orders to fulfill first. This is where a data-driven prioritization framework comes into play.

Start by evaluating factors such as customer lifetime value, order urgency, order size, and the potential impact on the customer’s own business operations. For example, you might prioritize VIP customers who have been waiting the longest and have placed large, high-value orders.

You could also take into account the specific SKUs that are backordered and their relative importance to your business. If certain items are critical for maintaining your competitive edge or driving a significant portion of your revenue, you may want to prioritize fulfilling those orders first.

The key is to use data and analytics to guide your decision making, ensuring that you’re balancing speed, cost-effectiveness, and customer equity in your backorder fulfillment process.

Implement SOPs for customer service and communication

To ensure a consistent and effective approach to backorder management across your organization, it’s essential to have well-defined standard operating procedures (SOPs) in place for customer service and communication.

Develop clear guidelines and scripts for notifying customers of delays, providing status updates, and offering resolution options. Equip your customer service representatives with the training and resources they need to handle backorder-related inquiries with empathy, patience, and a focus on finding solutions.

Establish protocols for escalating high-priority cases or complex situations to designated team members or managers. And make sure your reps have the authority to offer personalized incentives or compensation based on each customer’s unique needs and value to your business.

By implementing these SOPs and empowering your team to deliver exceptional service even in the face of backorders, you’ll be well-positioned to turn a potentially negative experience into an opportunity to build trust and loyalty with your customers.

Leveraging Technology to Automate Backorder Management

What if we told you there was a way to tame the backorder beast? A way to automate your processes and optimize your inventory?

Enter the world of automated order management – a realm where advanced technology and data-driven insights come together to create a seamless, stress-free e-commerce experience. And at the heart of this world lies Flxpoint – the ultimate solution for businesses looking to take control of their backorders and unleash their full potential.

Implement an integrated inventory management system (IMS)

First things first: to conquer the chaos of backorders, you need a solid foundation.

And that foundation is an integrated inventory management system (IMS).

Think of it as your central command center, giving you real-time visibility into your stock levels across all channels and locations.

With an IMS in place, you can say goodbye to the days of manual stock checks and hello to automated, up-to-the-minute inventory tracking. No more guessing games or frantic spreadsheet updates – just clear, accurate data at your fingertips.

But the real magic happens when you combine that real-time visibility with the power of predictive analytics and smart alerts.

Being able to spot potential stockouts before they happen, like a supply chain superhero with a sixth sense for inventory.

With an IMS, you can set up customized alerts that notify you when stock levels run low, so you can take action before your customers even notice a hiccup.

And the benefits don’t stop there.

An IMS also enables centralized inventory control, so you can efficiently manage backorders across all your sales channels.

No more juggling multiple systems or playing whack-a-mole with out-of-stock items – just streamlined, stress-free backorder management.

Leverage advanced order management and fulfillment tools

But let’s be real – even with the best inventory management system in the world, backorders are bound to happen from time to time. That’s where advanced order management and fulfillment tools come into play.

Every order that comes in is automatically routed to the optimal fulfillment location, based on factors like stock availability, shipping costs, and delivery times. Where intelligent order splitting algorithms break down complex orders into smaller, more manageable chunks, so you can maximize your inventory use and minimize your backorder risk.

And when backorders do occur, these tools can help you handle them with ease and grace.

Automated customer notifications keep your shoppers in the loop, so they never feel left in the dark.

Intelligent order prioritization ensures that your most valuable customers always come first, so you can protect your most important relationships.

But the real game-changer? Dynamic virtual inventory pooling.

With this advanced technique, you can automatically allocate your available stock across your entire omnichannel network, based on real-time demand.

So if one channel is running low on a hot item, the system can automatically divert inventory from another location to keep things running smoothly.

It’s like having a team of inventory ninjas working behind the scenes, optimizing your stock levels in real-time.

Integrate with suppliers for real-time procurement automation

But why stop at optimizing your own inventory? To truly master the art of backorder management, you need to extend your reach upstream and forge deep integrations with your suppliers.

By integrating your IMS with your suppliers’ systems, you can enable real-time data sharing and collaboration.

Where your stock levels are automatically communicated to your suppliers, triggering replenishment orders before you even realize you need them.

Where your suppliers can proactively alert you to any potential disruptions in their production or shipping schedules, giving you ample time to adjust your plans accordingly.

And with the power of advanced analytics and performance monitoring, you can keep a close eye on your suppliers’ performance, identifying any potential risk factors before they impact your business. It’s comparable to having a team of supply chain specialists continuously monitoring behind the scenes, ensuring that your inventory pipeline remains strong and stable.

Utilize Flxpoint’s comprehensive e-commerce management platform

But with so many moving parts and complex systems to manage, how can you bring all these pieces together into a cohesive, automated backorder management strategy? That’s where Flxpoint comes in.

Flxpoint is more than just another e-commerce platform – it’s a comprehensive solution designed specifically for businesses looking to optimize their backorder management processes. With over 600 pre-built integrations and advanced processing capabilities, Flxpoint makes it easy to connect all your existing systems and start seeing results from day one.

But the real power of Flxpoint lies in its advanced features and customizable workflows.

With tools like automated dropshipping, multi-channel inventory syncing, and intelligent order routing, you can tailor your backorder management strategy to your unique business needs.

And with the ability to scale your operations with ease, you can grow your business with confidence, no matter how fast your demand increases.

But perhaps the most valuable aspect of Flxpoint is the human touch.

With a team of e-commerce experts available to provide guidance and support, you’ll never have to face the challenges of backorder management alone.

From implementation and training to ongoing optimization and growth, Flxpoint goes beyond a mere software platform – it’s a partner in your success.

So if you’re ready to take your backorder management to the next level, it’s time to embrace the power of technology and automation. With Flxpoint by your side, you can conquer the chaos of e-commerce, delight your customers, and grow your business like never before.

Because in today’s fast-paced, ever-changing e-commerce landscape, backorders are more than just a logistical challenge – they’re an opportunity. An opportunity to differentiate your brand, build customer loyalty, and prove that you have what it takes to succeed in the digital age.

So don’t wait – take the first step towards backorder management mastery today, and discover how Flxpoint can help you turn your backorder challenges into your biggest competitive advantage.


Backorders are a common problem in e-commerce, but you can lower their impact with the right plan. Make your demand forecasting, stock levels, and supplier relationships better to avoid backorders.

If they happen, tell customers right away, give them other options, and have your team give great service. Use an inventory management system and tools like Flxpoint to automate processes.

These steps will help you handle backorders and grow your online business. Start using these strategies now to become an expert at managing backorders.

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